Saturday, May 8, 2021


Welcome to The Shellbox Cottage on Sanibel Island 

If you found your way here, perhaps met on the beach or you were searching travel sites and were clever enough to find this on your own.  We direct people here so they can call us if they wish or ask for more clarification.  

We rent the Shellbox atypically.  We have no annoying check in/check out generally. And no need for the annoying Saturday to Saturday.  

We have a wide circle of friends and family in Florida and elsewhere who borrow the cottage and we are happy to move dates around for you if blocked which is why we like to discuss dates first. 

Also we use the cottage often ourselves.  For example we did not rent it at all in 2020-21 due to the pandemic.     

As the cottage can only be rented 1 time every 28 nights we try to be selective as to which guests will enjoy it the most, have the least amount of wear and tear and are the right fit.  

The cottage is an old Florida cottage.  There are not many left and we purposely seek to maintain that feeling.  Everything inside is practically original and all wood - the walls, doors, cabinets, staircases.  The less wear and tear the better! 

Please call Frank at 917 887 9099 or write me at and lets talk about your possible stay at Shellbox Cottage.  

1 comment:

  1. Historic preservation buff visiting looking for our reprise from Colorado winters. Can you tell me the history of the shellbox cottage? Are there others on the island?
